The Ameto vision – Making files obsolete
Michael Seifert, 2018-02-26
How often were you searching for information, but you didn't know in which file to look for? How often were you looking for a specific document on your disk, but you could not seem to find it? And in case you did find the file in question, how often did you have to convert it to a different format? Working with computer systems can be a pain even in the 21st century. Many present user interfaces are still based on the desktop metaphor from almost 50 years ago, where we have files and folders residing on a virtual desktop.1 This works nicely when the number of files is manageable. Now, even private households have gigabytes of documents, images, videos, and music that need to be organized and kept tidy, not mentioning the amount of data produced and maintained by companies. Managing this ever increasing amount of information requires a novel approach.
This is where Ameto comes into play. Ameto helps you organize, retrieve, process, and share your data. Looking for meeting notes? Give Ameto a few keywords what the meeting was about. Want to browse videos of your last team-building event? Narrow down the search by providing an approximate date. We are never looking for files, we are always looking for content. Ameto makes it easy to find content that is scattered in files all over your company by leveraging its semantic search capabilities.
However, Ameto is not just a search engine. More often than not, the content you were looking for is in an undesired format. Therefore you need to edit or prepare the file before publishing it. This may include changing the video encoding, optimizing an image for size, or extracting text from scanned documents. Ameto lets you define processing pipelines that perform the desired steps. It even makes sure that the steps in a pipeline are performed in an optimal way, for example by avoiding lossy recompression of images. In combination with client libraries for different programming languages, automated content processing becomes a straightforward task.
Eventually, you can share processed content manually, download it via one of the client libraries, or directly link to it and let Ameto take care of the content delivery.
Our vision is to provide a coherent user experience from content capturing to publishing. We think that working with files is no longer an adequate workflow and we want Ameto to step in. Ultimately, we wish Ameto to be integrated into your desktop environment, effectively replacing the default search engine.2
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